2021 – December
Submitted by – Connecting Canada – 2021 CFMTA/FCAPM Virtual Conference
Title: PROPer Piano Pedagogy: Using teaching props in beginner piano lessons
Presenter: Karen Gerelus

Good teaching matters. It is universally acknowledged that effective, inspired teaching is essential to student learning and success. We all agree that a well-balanced program of piano study includes technique, repertoire, and musical literacy, and these concepts have not changed for centuries. However, the way in which these concepts are delivered have changed drastically. As the world evolves to be a more individualized, liberal, and creative place, our teaching must evolve as well.

How might a ladybug, clothespins, a feather, and purple markers help us develop hand position? What do paint chips and satin ribbon have to do with musical texture? Fly swatters and music reading?

This session will explore ways to make teaching imaginative and generally more fun, but without compromising a high standard of excellence in the traditional goals of teaching beginners. The use of teaching props allows for a vibrant teaching environment and increased student engagement. Discover how a five-pound weight, ping pong balls, speeding tickets, a magic wand, and dice can lead to more meaningful learning in both individual and group lessons. Come and explore the teaching ‘tickle trunk’ in a practical, participatory session.

Karen Gerelus is a third-generation piano teacher and a doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary where her research in piano pedagogy asks questions of identity and motivation with students.