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- For more information contact: professional-development@cfmta.org
- List of Requirements need for Professional Achievement Certificate
- Online Application
CFMTA is a professional organization of music educators throughout Canada. In order to promote continued professional growth by our members, we are offering “The CFMTA/FCAPM Certificate of Recognition for Professional Achievement”, presented by CFMTA, to encourage members to grow as musicians, educators and mentors.
The Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations has set up a program in which those who show professional development/practice throughout the year be rewarded with a certificate. This would be renewable every two years. A fee of $20.00 to cover the administrative cost, certificate and postage would accompany the application form. These high quality certificates could be displayed in studios and the recognition used in advertising. Please note that this is a voluntary program for individual members and is in no way part of the membership process, which is handled by our provincial organizations.
The applicants for the recognition certificates will be required to complete an “Online Documentation of Professionalism”. The certificates will be issued by the CFMTA/FCAPM Secretary upon vetting by the Professional Development & Research Chair. The certificate can be renewed every two years.
- Commitment to continued growth in your chosen profession of music instruction
- Commitment to providing our membership with goals of personal professional achievement as music instructors
- Commitment to validating and rewarding those who show personal professional achievement
- Enhancing the quality of musical instruction for Canadian students through continuing education
- Increasing participation and leadership in musical events at the national, provincial and branch level
- Promoting professionalism through contributing to the profession, building partnerships, student involvement and personal evaluation
- Promoting mentorship and partnering with pedagogy advocates
CFMTA/FCAPM is committed to the promotion of professionalism and professional development for our membership.