The Canadian Music Teacher welcomes submissions on a wide variety of topics including, but not limited to: scholarly research articles, applied music pedagogy articles, best professional practices, and literature reviews. Authors, whose work is accepted for publication, will receive a print copy of the edition in which their article appears. Please note that articles are subject to acceptance, and review, by an editorial board. Authors should follow the guidelines below when submitting their manuscript for consideration.
- submissions should not normally exceed 2000 words, but shorter articles are welcome, and longer articles may be accepted as warranted
- contributions should not be used to promote products or materials
- endnotes must be used rather than footnotes
- titles of books or journals must be italicized rather than underlined
- illustrations may be included but must be of high quality and inserted into the document
- contributions are welcome in English and in French
- contributions should follow APA (American Psychological Association) formatting for citations
- submissions should be in MS Word format
- all submissions will be acknowledged
- if your article is accepted for publication, authors will be asked to submit a short biography and a headshot to be included in the publication
Our magazine issues
Spring Edition - Publication in May
Fall Edition - Publication in September
Winter Edition - Publication in January
To submit an article - Click here
Letter of Agreement to Publication in CMT - Click here